Trusted List EditorAll in one tool for cross-border electronic signature

All in one tool for cross-border electronic signature

version: 2.0.3

- including the pointer to the human readable version of the LOTL in PointersToOtherTSL element

Bugfix: the text of PolicyOrLegalNotice/TSLLegalNotice has updated to align the wording with CD 2013/662/EU (the occurrence of the word "the" has been removed before the word "Directive")

- better and faster rendering of XML trees
- faster XML validation

version: 2.0.2

Conformant to the latest ETSI TS 119 612 V1.2.1 (2014-04) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Trusted Lists; standard

This version uses simultaneously the proper standard version for all the six types of the Trusted List:
1) TS 119 612 V1.2.1 (2014-04): non EU countries, international organization Trusted List, version 4
TS 119 612 V1.2.1 (2014-04): List of Lists of non EU countries and international organization, version 4
TS 119 612 V1.1.1 (2013-06): EU Member State Trusted List, version 4
TS 119 612 V1.1.1 (2013-06): List of Lists of the EU, version 4
5) TS 102 231 V3.1.2 (2009-12): EU Member State Trusted List, version 3
TS 102 231 V3.1.2 (2009-12): List of Lists of the EU, version 3

Improved functions:
- upgrade (convert) Trusted List version 3 to version 4 with a single click, make detailed log on the changes
- Content Errors function (available in the popup menu) reports only the errors found during the content validation check

- Preferences menu item is available in the Apple menu on Mac OS X
- new “add additional names” button on TSP trade name editor pane for adding new text fields to input the VAT number and/or official national trade registration number
- compatibility with the Java 8 Runtime Environment

- better and faster Analyze Trusted Lists

version: 2.0.0

Conformant to the latest ETSI TS 119 612 V1.1.1 (2013-06) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Trusted Lists;
and 2013/662/EU COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 14 October 2013 amending Decision 2009/767/EC as regards the establishment, maintenance and publication of trusted lists of certification service providers supervised/accredited by Member States

This version can handle simultaneously all the six types of the Trusted List:
1) EU Member State Trusted List, version 3
2) List of Lists of the EU, version 3
3) EU Member State Trusted List, version 4
4) List of Lists of the EU, version 4
5) non EU countries, international organization Trusted List, version 4
6) List of Lists of non EU countries and international organization, version 4

New functions:
- upgrade (convert) Trusted List version 3 to version 4 with a single click, make detailed log on the changes
- new Content Errors function (available in the popup menu) that reports only the errors found during the content validation check
- all the generated reports can be viewed in an external browser also
- generate a self-signed certificate for signing the Trusted List (see: TS 119 612, Section 5.7.1), available in the Tools menu
- XML validation against the proper XML schemas determined on the basis of the value of the TSLVersionIdentifier field
- added new country: HR (Croatia)

- keeping PDF/A conformance during signing of the human readable from by converting the visible signature text to graphics

- better and faster rendering of the navigation tree

version: 1.4.7

Performance tuning.
- TLEdit startup is 62% faster than before
- loading of a big TSL is 54% faster now

version: 1.3.4.

Performance tuning of provider and services import.

version: 1.4.1.

Performance improvement of rendering HTML reports.

version: 1.4.2.

Change of font sizes and layout in human readable form results fewer pages in PDF (about 33% saving).

Configurable memory pool size for Java results better performance (see also File menu, Preferences, TL editing preferences, Memory and How can I configure memory allocated to Java and what is a proper size?).

Enhanced editing capability for LOTL (list of lists).

Change Log